Wednesday, November 2, 2011

break it down

i found the film analysis clip to be pretty interesting. when i watch movies i dont really break them down or even think about the art of the film in that much detail. normally i judge on story line costume and music but never get that deep into thought. i thought the coolest part of the film was when they slowed down and broke apart the whole fingernail bit in the clinic parking lot and teh lobby. as it was happenign i didnt imidiatly put it together but all of a sudden it really clicked on how that all work. i think subconsiously you get it but it never relaly was said out loud. it really just goes to show how important screen shots, background sets, and even the lingo of the movie really are. i also like how they broke down the culture aspect of the movies and how it showed that juna was being judged on her baby out of wedlock. it was neat how they related a more modern film to much older films as well. i never knew that the screen writer for juno was an ex stripper and sex blogger, so i thought that was a fun fact too. overall i think that the way i watch films will change after that, andi will see them in  awhile new light.


Cpang said...

I strongly agree with Roni. I never really thought about all the little aspects that go into making a film, i just notice the overall scenes and outcomes. I also thought the fingernail scene was very interesting and really showed how important breaking things down is.

Blackmamba said...

I feel no one really breaks down film when they are watching unless that's what there job is. So i agree with that. I feel the breaking down of the fingernail scene was a little repetitive, and i was kind of annoyed, but that's just my opinion.